Monday, June 22, 2009

BMW X3 X-Drive

OK so this is a strange post. I originally created this blog so that I would have a place to store cool things as I spot them and so that I have a place to muse about my favourite subjects; design, film, technology…
But, last week I decided that I would get 2 new tyres for my BMW X3 2.0 TDI, the rear tyres were low on tread and getting close to being illegal. To cut a long story short, after gigantic labour costs from a BMW dealership and a whole load of upset it turns out that you can not change just 2 of the tyres. The BMW X3 has a 'clever' X-Drive system that senses load pressures on each wheel and adds or reduces power where needed. 2 new tyres sent this system completely mad, resulting in the car kangaroo-ing, clunking and banging from the drive shafts and differential. The little men running around in the computers of the car were being relayed messages telling them that the car was stuck in mud or the like (because of the difference in drag / tread / weight displacement) so they kept trying to re-correct it. Mad, I think so. Fix, a further 2 tyres to replace perfectly good ones!

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